My Book
My Book View Points
My Experience
My Why
Contact Me
Sifu LaMar
My Chapter Journeys
My Journey 1.
Children are Watching
My Journey 2.
Start Looking Around Like They are Serious
My Journey 3.
Someone's Boyfriend
My Journey 4.
Walk Though Fire
My Journey 5.
Most Improved Player
My Journey 6.
You Should be a Massage Therapist
My Journey 7.
20 Students Dropped Out
My Journey 8.
Confidence Buys You Time to Produce
My Journey 9.
2 Days After I Get Back From Philly
My Journey 10.
As Long as You Have Some Keys
My Life.
Nana & Soccer
Book Reviews
"Great real life issues of a massage therapist, great for future students that may have questions about massage therapy."
great journey that can inspire you as well as someone you can relate to and learn from."
"It's like reading a book that tells you how it is and how it could be. Any student would benefit from this read."
David C.
"Always do your best, very good and informative read."
Barbara J.
My Book
My Book View Points
My Experience
My Why
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